Hodos offers comprehensive training programs and consultancy services tailored specifically to the accreditation process in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Our expertise in this area allows us to provide specialized guidance and support to educational institutions and organizations seeking accreditation under various accreditation bodies and standards.

Accreditation of courses and programmes, whether of formal education or of training and development programmes, provides for national and international recognition. It specialises in reviewing the quality and integrity of all types of programmes. Accreditation is based on an independent evaluation of an organisation’s formal education, training and development programmes by a group of professionals that includes academics, administrators and practitioners.


The quality of an educational, training or development programme is determined by

(1) a variety of inputs into the process,

(2) the activities related to the teaching/learning process, and

(3) the outcomes of this process.


All these elements are measured against the aims and objectives of a programme and international standards.


There are times when the accreditation process is not well understood by the general public.  To some, it is merely a rating process that classifies organisations and programmes as excellent, average, or poor, but this is an erroneous perception.  Instead, accreditation is a means of assuring students, and the population at large that programmes and organisations that have been accredited have met rigorous standards which indicate a high and acceptable level of “educational” quality. Accreditation attests to a high level of achievement in delivering quality courses/modules/programmes and thereby provides reliable and meaningful guidance to:

(1) people who plan to participate in training, education and development course/programmes,

(2) employers and

(3) the public at large.


While an organisation is following through the accreditation process it will tend to improve both its administration as well as its product(s). Further the accreditation agency, during its evaluation process, will provide much practical advice to assist the organisation in its improvement. The results of which will help the marketing of the organisation and its product as well as providing national and international recognition.


HODOS has prepared a series of interactive courses which cover the main elements of what an institution needs to do to prepare themselves to go through the application process for accreditation and what needs to be done to maintain that accreditation over time. The content in each course is comprehensive and rigorous in its coverage and will be given by highly experienced people. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions of seasoned practitioners.

Preparing your insitution for accreditation

Learn about the accreditation frameworks, and get certified